Thursday, February 17, 2011

Future Humanitarian

Getting into the swing of things at my new university has taught me that A) i am out of shape and need to hit the gym B) I need to pack my lunch, my bank account is dwindling with every swipe and C) the opportunities that have been presented to me as a University student is overwhelming!

Watching the Tunisia and Egyptian people revolt has really had an amazing impact on my views of being able to change the world. One man poured gasoline on himself because of the injustice he was facing which started the Tunisia revolution and another man started a facebook group labeled D Day which started another revolution. These selfless acts of protest started a world wide revolution! Simply Amazing!

This started to get me thinking, what has the youth done for Somalia? I realized that i now want to go to Somalia and extend an olive branch, volunteer for 6-12 months as a teacher in one of Somalia's secondary schools. I would like to take supplies with me and teach kids from k-2, inshallah I hope to accomplish this and soon!

Until next time,

Idil J

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Next Step

Congrats to myself! I have been admitted to the university of my choosing! I've worked so hard to get in and alhamduilliah i am now a junior at the U.W! It's such a great school I couldn't have been happier to be admitted. As a great friend has told me, you've been allowed to join the war, lets see if you can make it thru the battle.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Family Buisness

Rule of thumb: Never work for family memebers, you will live to regret it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Todays Topic: Insecure Females

The Age Old Question: Can guys and girls really be friends?

Somali's really amuse me, can i not have a guy friend without wanting to dig my claws into him? Also, are you really going to label me as a (insert tribe here) lover? Just because in my past i happen to date from the same tribe? And WHYYYY are you going to call up my friend and tell him that I'm "secretly in love with him" like get a FACE woman! Stop with the insecurities, grow a female vajayjay and leave me the hell alone.... So before you go calling up people, here are a few guidlines i hope you can follow.

  3. WOMAN UP (for your sake, and the rest of mankind)
I hope you enjoyed my rant,

Good Day!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Relationship Are Complicated.

Story of my life, I sometimes think, why not just get it arranged? Make the dukes happy.

Just kidding, I'm not suicidal.

More on the man later.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to Born Confused

Hello Bloggers! I'd like to welcome myself to the blogging community, I started  a blog back in 05 called Idil's Insights...anyone remember? Alhamduilliah i had a good run with that and on one weird night i accidentally deleted my blog and haven't been back since!

So for those that don't know me, here's a little introduction: My name is Idil, i live in a wonderful country called America (note the sarcasm please) and I am a full time student with 2 jobs....can you say busy? Trust me i am not crazy i just get sucked into things and have a tough time saying no! I have many aspirations in life, those including finishing school, (i have 2 years left yay!) travaeling the world, and inshallah marry a doting husband who will give me a tribeful of kids...big aspirations in life but knowing myself inshallah hopefully i can accomplish these things.

I have chosen to title my blog Born Confused because A) its my Favorite book of All time B) It seems to fit with my life. Don't you ever feel like you have a plan in life but then things go horribly that's my life, but I've learned that you may have a plan in Life, but Allah has a bigger one for it took some time for me to understand and learn that but alhamduilliah I'm full of patience now and i know that things will always work itself out in the sit back, relax, and enjoy Born Confused....if you can understand any of the rubbish i talk about lol